
Platformtoy created by us and customized by the likes of 3Eyedbear, superblast, Tougui, Tanaka, Astorgano, stHellvis, Pocull, Nollzz, Momo&Sprits, Caca de Oruga, Hawkins, Zubak, Kekli, Ricci, Geradts, Annegret, André and many more… Call out to artists all around the globe! Download the platform toy and create your very own personal Phriend! You can use it as an object at your next show at home or in a gallery. And if you send us your file and a good picture of a built one, we might even post the photo of your Phriend at one of our platforms. Or take it with us to one of our own exhibitions.
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In the shops some models came with a little DIY comic explaining the world of the character.
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For the Shove It exhibition, to raise money to build a local skatepark.
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